Ever have a person that you know that likes to talk bad about people/treat people with disrespect over little annoyances they have against them?
Ever have those insensitive people that just makes you feel uncomfortable around them and they enjoy doing it because they feel like they can and they're just out to bully?
They enjoy telling people what is right and lecture them about being kind and all I see is what I wrote above.
Someone shoot me. It's hard to face them. Those are the people that I'm struggling to love. I don't enjoy being around them and it makes me upset. I am weak. I'm having a hard time with this one.
Lord, help me. How did you love those that spat on you, flogged you, punched you, mocked you, belittled you, left you, betrayed you, kicked you, nailed you?
Help me love like You do. Teach me Humility.