May 20, 2009 by Jay Adams
Have you ever considered any of the elements of Paul’s great poetic description of love in I Corinthians 13?
Well, I’ve read over it, if that’s what you mean.
That’s good, but I had in mind something more—
Like what?
Like examining carefully what each factor he mentions means, and how it’s applicable to life.
I guess I’ve never done that. Just give me an example of what you have in mind.
Gladly. Take the phrase “believes all things, hopes all things.”
What about it?
In addition to other things, I’ll mention just this—there is a tendency among us sinners not to give the other fellow the benefit of the doubt. We tend to put the worst construction on everything. This says to do that is unloving.
How do you do the loving thing by believing and hoping?
By taking his word for what he says until the facts prove otherwise—that’s believing. And by expecting him to tell you the truth—that’s hoping(which means “expecting” in biblical usage). Begin to follow that loving practice and you’ll honor God, get along better with others, and be happier person, instead of a suspicious old grouch!
Don’t wanna be one of those, fer sure!