Done cleaning! More space. Hopefully I can try to fit the cages inside my closet so I'll have more room. I started this project at 1pm. It all started from going to Target, and then realizing I needed to do laundry, to flipping the room around. I swept and bleached the floors, wiped down the walls, table, TV, everything I can wipe down, packed all my things into a tub and boxes and carried my biggo blue desk out on my back all by myself. It is now 3:50am. I am a relieved camper. <=)

This is how it looks walking in. I am going to pin my mirror, paintings and the dry erase calendar on the wall.

My window view from closet

The cages that hold my clothes. All the way in the corner are the clothes that I need to wash. Ha ha. This includes the adidas bag full of dirty clothes.

View from my window. My desk. Nice and bright now. =)

My bed, still not fixed.

The Computer. View through the ladder.

The laptop with the TV, VCR and DVD player. The AC unit is still there. I'll keep it for now.
That's all folks!