“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
The sacred center of Christianity is Christ himself. Coming personally to the Person. Coming directly to the Mediator. No one but Jesus can call us with such authority, and no one but Jesus can encourage us with such a promise. No one else can give us rest.
If our primary purpose in church is to connect with one another, that’s what we’ll get — one another. And we’ll end up angry. Only Jesus gives us rest. If we will put him first and come to him first, then we’ll have something to give to one another.
If our primary purpose in church is outreach and mercy and justice, we’ll end up exhausted. Only Jesus gives us rest. If we will put him first and come to him first, we’ll be renewed for endless mission.
There are as many false and disappointing centers as there are impulses in our hearts. Everything else will let us down. Everything.
Only One has ever said and can ever say, “Come to me, and I will give you rest.”
His offer stands. And we don’t have to deserve it. He gives it. But he does come first.