Monday, August 20, 2012
An Excerpt about my Possible Future Spouse and Jesus
A man cannot complete me. Only God can do that. And this same God that said, “it’s not good for man to be alone” prepares our souls to complement each other instead.
Do you know the feeling of being so in tune with someone a sideways glance speaks volumes, or you can have the same weird thought and burst into laughter? I do, with a precious few, and that is what I now know love to be. The proverbial “One” is someone who will help me be holier and more human than I am on my own. Not a white knight to rescue me, but a broken, lonely wanderer to come alongside and teach my pride to die.
Someone not to mold me in his image or make me feel good, but who will love me enough to let me be myself and challenge me to be more than I am.
We are not called to complete each other, because only God can do that. We are not called to rescue each other, or be someone’s personal Jesus.
Instead, we are privileged to carry each other’s burdens on this journey, our ships steering by the same bright star.
Before, I wanted to be rescued, and I wanted to be a savior. I couldn’t then. I can’t now. I’m not enough for that.