Thursday, April 5, 2012

i am on a journey.

a journey to know Christ outside the 4 walls of my church.
a journey to know Christ outside of what I have grown up to know.
a journey to know freedom through His unchanging voice, Word, and Power.
a journey to know the vastness of trust I can lay hold of on my Abba, Bridegroom, and King.
a journey to become alive and revived by seeing His face, hearing His voice, and feeling His heart.
a journey to know how deep my sin runs and how helpless I am.
a journey to know that only He can reach my deepest and darkest sins and raise me up, and not myself. 
a journey to cling onto Holiness Himself.
a journey to let go of broken cisterns.
a journey to let go of my flesh for His Mind.
a journey to bleed His love.
a journey to receive restoration. 
a journey to be loved by Jesus, Himself.
a journey to fall in love with Jesus.
a journey to know Him.
a journey to hold hands with Him.
a journey to taste Him.
a journey to abandon my life for Him.